Pythag-O is a Max for Live MIDI Device for Ableton Live that generates three notes over the course of a chosen interval, with note lengths determined by the Pythagorean theorem (a² + b² = c²)
Example order of operations:
* Choose a note value from the Interval drop-down menu (1n by default).
* Specify a and b values. This triggers an automatic calculation for c. These calculations assume that the interval chosen is the sum of the three values.
* The ratios for a, b, and c are then applied to the interval length to determine the start point for each of the three notes.
* Choose a 0-100% Gate value, which optionally shortens the note lengths (not the distance between successive notes, however).
* Create a new MIDI clip and create some notes. The device will generate new groups of notes for as long as the notes from your clip are held. When a clip note ends, no more note groups will be generated until another note begins.
Up to 16 different voices can be used simultaneously. Suggested use is for drums to create polyrhythms, but any MIDI instrument will work.
Experimental MIDI Device